Tax alert

International taxation

In continuation with our last tax news alert (no.5), regarding the bill proposal to prevent the deductions of illegal payments as a recognized expense for tax purpose, we would like to inform that, On November 26, 2009 subsection (16) was added to article 32 of the Israeli Tax Ordinance (that deals with deductions that should...
Recently, the ITA has been "updating" old income tax treaties which were concluded by Israel in the sixties. The new treaties are based on the OECD Model Convention on Income and Capital. A new tax treaty with Germany was signed (with initials) and similarly the new tax treaty with the UK (April 2, 2009). The full text of the treaties...
As we indicated in our Tax Alert No. 2 (August 25, 2008), the 147 Income Tax Ordinance Amendment has introduced a new tax regime of trusts into the Israeli tax law. Amendment 147 (effective date January 1, 2006) also imposed certain reporting requirements on trusts that were created prior to Amendments 147. A detailed...
An Israeli resident company ("ILCo") and other non-Israeli resident investors have founded a real estate fund (the "Fund") in order to invest in real estate assets in several European countries. This Fund was formed as a Limited Liability Partnership (the "LLP") according to the laws of a certain third country (State X). This LLP...
Amendment No. 168 to the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance ("ITO") was finally enacted on September 16, 2008 the "Amendment" or "Reform"). As we previously detailed, the Reform provides significant tax benefits to New Immigrants "Olim") and former Israeli residents who resided at least 10 years outside Israel ("Long-Term...
On December 15, 2008 the Kenesset Committee of Finance (a committee of the parliament) has authorized the government's Economic Enhancement Program of 2008 (the "Enhancement Program"). The Enhancement Program will become legally effective only after the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance is ammended by the...
Recently (November 27, 2008), the Tel Aviv District Court issued its decision in the Telrom case (Income Tax Appeal 1061/2007, Telrom Human Resources Ltd. v. Tel Aviv Tax Assessing Officer). In its Telrom decision (the "Decision") the court refers to the interpretation of the term "resident" for the purpose of determining ...
On July 25, 2005, an amendment to the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance (the "ITO") was enacted, Amendment No. 147. Prior to the Amendment, taxation of trusts in cross-border cases was based on general provisions of the Ordinance, dealing with the endorsement or transfer of rights (e.g., Sections 82 – 84 of the ITO)...
Transfer pricing ("TP") tax implications should be regarded as a key factor, in relation to any cross border transaction. A re-llocation of income by any tax authority may cause significant tax liabilities and double taxation, in addition to a possible tax inspection by the Israeli ITA. It should be noted that the Israeli TP rules are under...
Due to the recent developments with respect to Israeli Returning Residents and New Immigrants (or "Olim") tax reform and the significant potential implications of this reform, we decided to provide a recent update on the draft legislation, in addition to our comments. This is following our detailed reference on our Tax Alert No. 1...
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